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Music and Performing Arts Courses


Band: Mr. Ward 328-4755
Choir: Mr. Peckham 328-7370
Orchestra: Mr. Rodine 328-7347
Theater: Ms. Gerace  328-2957

Students who enroll in Band/Choir/Orchestra are required to enroll for the entire year. This enables instruction to progress throughout the year without having to spend time reviewing at the beginning of each semester.



Course Length: 1 Semester (Fall)
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit per Semester: 1.0 (Humanities)
Prerequisite: Prior band experience and Director’s approval

This after-school section is the competitive marching band at Palmer. This select group competes in CBA marching competitions around the state and at the Director’s discretion, also competes in out-of-state festivals and competitions. The marching band performs at half-time for home football games as well as various parades and community functions. Due to performance demands and requirements, Marching Band rehearsals, band camps (both locally and out of town, usually on a college or university campus) and practices begin up to two weeks prior to the opening of school. These practices and rehearsals are mandatory and part of the regular schedule. Members are required to attend all rehearsal and practices that are scheduled after school, on ‘teacher work days’, and on some Saturdays. The Color Guard is a part of Marching Band and has the same requirements listed above plus additional Guard practices and clinics. All rehearsals, practices, sectionals, and performances are part of the student’s grade.


Course Length: 2 Semesters
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit per Semester: 1.0 (Humanities)
Prerequisite: None

This is a Level II high school instrumental music class. Some playing experience is necessary to enroll in this class. This band is a training group to prepare students with skills necessary to participate in a Level III (Symphonic) band class. Literature is geared to the member's abilities with emphasis being placed on improvement of tone quality, reading skills, musicianship, and technical proficiency. This band may participate in music festivals and contests at the discretion of the director and performs for school and community events throughout the school year. Attendance at scheduled performances, sectionals, and additional rehearsals is required and is part of the student's grade.


Course Length: 2 Semesters
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit per Semester: 1.0 (Humanities)
Prerequisite: Director’s approval

This band is designed to help prepare students with skills necessary to participate in Wind Ensemble and Marching Band. Literature is geared to the members' abilities with emphasis being placed on improvement of tone quality, reading skills, musicianship, and the technical proficiency required for more advanced literature and performance. Symphonic Band is also part of the marching/pep band and performs at pep assemblies, half time at home football games, parades and community events. This band may participate in music festivals and contests at the discretion of the director and performs for school and community events throughout the school year. Attendance at scheduled performances, sectionals, and additional rehearsals is required and is part of the student's grade.


Course Length: 2 Semesters
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit per Semester: 1.0 (Humanities)
Prerequisite: Director’s approval and a Successful Audition

Wind Ensemble is a select ensemble of 35 - 52 members selected from the marching band. Wind Ensemble is the concert group of the marching band. Membership is by audition only and is open to those members of marching band who demonstrate the highest level of technical skill, musicianship, and dedication. Wind Ensemble is a very demanding performance-oriented ensemble that meets fall and spring semesters. Membership in this group is subject to the Director’s approval and any member will be removed if the Director deems their requisite skills and their apparent dedication as substandard at any time. Participation in concerts during the regular school day, evenings, at community events, as well as Large Group Festival are part of the requirements and are a part the student’s grade.


Course Length: 2 Semesters
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit per Semester: 1.0 (Humanities)
Prerequisite: None

This course is designed for those students who have selected percussion as their instrument of choice. The students in this class will make up the marching band drum line. Drum set instruction will be very limited.


Course Length: 2 Semesters
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit per Semester: 1.0 (Humanities)
Prerequisite: Director’s approval. Audition may be required.

This is a Level II high school instrumental music class. Some playing experience is necessary to enroll in this class. Only those students who demonstrate a thorough knowledge and understanding of their instruments will be considered for inclusion in this group. Basic instrumentation includes saxophone, trumpet, trombone, piano, bass, guitar, and trap set. Jazz ensemble performs at jazz festivals, assemblies, concerts, and community events. This band provides an opportunity for the student to study and perform music in the jazz idiom. Attendance at scheduled performances is required and is considered part of the student's grade. Ability to perform on an instrument at Level II or beyond. Ability to read Level II musical notation. Ability to write basic musical notation. Ability to identify and understand musical structure.



Course Length: 2 Semesters
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit per Semester: 1.0 (Humanities)
Prerequisite: Director’s approval

Concert Strings is an introductory class to secondary instrumental strings and ensemble performance. This is a training group to prepare students to participate in upper- level performance classes. Emphasis is placed on developing technique, music reading skills and basic ensemble playing. Attendance at scheduled performances is required and is considered part of the student’s grade.


Course Length: 2 Semesters
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit per Semester: 1.0 (Humanities)
Prerequisite: Director’s approval

Symphonic Strings is an intermediate performance class that builds on skills students have acquired in previous instrumental study. Emphasis is placed on developing skills specific to each instrument while contributing meaningfully to an ensemble. Literature is geared to the members’ abilities with emphasis being placed on improvement of tone quality, reading skills and technical proficiency. This ensemble may participate at music festivals/contests at the discretion of the director. Attendance at scheduled performances is required and is considered part of the student’s grade.

CHAMBER ORCHESTRA 1,2 (Advanced Level)

Course Length: 2 Semesters
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit per Semester: 1.0 (Humanities)
Prerequisite: Director’s approval through audition

Chamber Orchestra aims to develop an understanding and appreciation of various musical styles and genres through performance. Emphasis is placed on the improvement of ensemble playing. Members of this ensemble are selected to perform for school and community events throughout the year. This ensemble participates in various music festivals/contests. Students selected for Chamber Orchestra demonstrate an above-average understanding of their instrument and display a high level of musical sophistication through their performance. Attendance at scheduled performances is required and is considered part of the student’s grade.



Course Length: 2 Semesters
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit per Semester: 1.0 (Humanities)
Prerequisite: None

This choir is open to tenors, baritones, and basses with or without previous choral experience. This choir performs in school and community concerts during the school year. This choir provides an opportunity for the student to develop vocal skills and musical knowledge as well as perform literature written for tenor, baritone, and bass voices. Attendance at scheduled performances is required and is considered part of the student’s grade.


Course Length: 2 Semesters
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit per Semester: 1.0 (Humanities)
Prerequisite: None

This choir is open to sopranos and altos with or without previous vocal experience. This choir performs in school and community concerts during the school year. This choir may also perform at one festival during the school year. This choir provides an opportunity for students to develop vocal skills and musical knowledge, as well as perform literature written for soprano and alto voices. Attendance at scheduled performances is required and is considered part of the student's grade.


Course Length: 2 Semesters
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit per Semester: 1.0 (Humanities)
Prerequisite: Director’s approval

This is a Level II high school music class. This class requires some singing experience. This class is a mixed Soprano-Alto-Tenor-Bass choir. This choral ensemble performs vocal jazz music. Ability to perform vocally at Level II or beyond. Ability to read Level II musical notation. Ability to write basic musical notation. Ability to identify and understand musical structure. Contemporary Vocal Ensemble courses help students develop vocal techniques while focusing primarily on contemporary stage literature styles, such as traditional jazz, jazz improvisation, and rock. These courses may also focus on gospel, show choir, or barbershop choral group dynamics. The ensembles provide performance opportunities and include experiences in creating and responding to music.


Course Length: 2 Semesters
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit per Semester: 1.0 (Humanities - Honors)
Prerequisite: Audition and Director’s approval

Jazz Choir is an advanced choir made up of highly motivated young singers. Singers must be able to sing solos and intricate harmony. Much of the music sung is in three to six parts. Jazz styles will be emphasized. Attendance at scheduled performances is required and is considered part of the student's grade.

CHAMBER SINGERS 1,2 (Highest Level Choir)

Course Length: 2 Semesters
Grade Level: 10-12
Credit per Semester: 1.0 (Humanities - Honors)
Prerequisite: Audition and Director’s approval

The Palmer High School Chamber Singers sing choral works from all genres. Dedication and commitment are required to be selected to sing in this choir. Strong choral and reading skills are highly recommended. Attendance at scheduled performances is required and is considered part of the student's grade



Course Length: 1 Semester
Grade Level: 9,10
Credit per Semester: 1.0 (Elective - Honors)
Prerequisite: Recommended for students taking multiple core honors classes in 9th and/or 10th grade

IBMYP Theatre Arts provides students with opportunities to develop their interests in all aspects of theatrical art and performance. This course introduces students to theatre history, technical work, performance skills, and the elements of stage production.


Course Length: 1 Semester each
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit per Semester: 1.0 (Humanities)
Prerequisite: None

Acting Techniques covers advanced methods of acting; styles, improvisation, stage movement, dialects, play and character analysis, monologue and scene performance.


Course Length: 1 semester each
Grade Level: 10-12
Credit per Semester: 1.0 (Humanities)
Prerequisite: Acting Techniques 1,2 or Teacher Approval

Acting Techniques covers advanced methods of acting: styles, improvisation, stage movement, dialects, play and character analysis, and scene performance.


Course Length: 2 Semester
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit per Semester: 1.0 (Humanities)
Prerequisite: None

This is primarily a hands-on lab course in backstage work. Students will learn basic tools and facilities. They will be involved in maintaining the stage and working on theatrical productions. Areas covered will be scenery construction, lighting, make-up, costuming, and general stage operation.


Course Length: 2 Semesters
Grade Level: 11-12
Credit per Semester: 1.0 (Humanities)
Prerequisite: Some Theatre recommended

The IB Diploma Programme theatre course is a multifaceted theatre-making course. It gives students the opportunity to make theatre as creators, designers, directors and performers. It emphasizes the importance of working both individually and as part of an ensemble. It offers the opportunity to engage actively in the creative process of inquiring, developing, presenting and evaluating. Students are encouraged to work as inquisitive and imaginative artists, transforming ideas into action and communicating these to an audience.



Course Length: 2 Semesters
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit per Semester: 1.0 (Humanities)
Prerequisite: None

This course is designed to develop and strengthen skills in music fundamentals, ear training, elementary harmony, and composition. These skills will be developed through reading, writing, and singing music with some elementary keyboard experience. Study of the various styles and forms will lead to an awareness and appreciation of music history from antiquity to the 21st century.


Course Length: 2 Semesters
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit per Semester: 1.0 (Humanities)
Prerequisite: None

Beginning Music Theory and Technology is designed to help the student develop basic skills. Students will use technology to learn about scales, chords, and basic analytical skills. Students will also learn the basic of sequencing and music synthesis. Skills will be developed in a Disc Jockey (DJ) context.


Course Length: 2 Semesters
Grade Level: 9-12
Credit per Semester: 1.0 (Humanities)
Prerequisite: None

Music Theory courses provide students with an understanding of the fundamentals of music and include the following topics: composition, arranging, analysis, aural development, and sight reading. Skills will be developed in a Disc Jockey (DJ) context.


Course Length: 2 Semesters
Grade Level: 11,12
Credit per Semester: 1.0 (Elective)
Prerequisite: Music Theory recommended

The study of music is concerned with the elements of music, as well as the music culture. Both worldwide and historical perspectives are required of students, as well as some commitment to creating and performing music. IB Music courses prepare students to take the International Baccalaureate Music exams. IB Music courses develop students’ knowledge and understanding of music through study of musical perception, including study of musical elements, form and structure, notations, musical terminology and context. These courses include exploration of music from different places, cultures, and time periods. They also involve training in at least one of the following: creating, solo performing, and group performing.


Course Length: 2 Semesters
Grade Level: 11,12
Credit per Semester: 1.0 (Elective)
Prerequisite: None

This course is an introduction to the basics of dance technique in modern, jazz, tap, ballet, and musical theater. Students will develop skills of body alignment, coordination, musicality, and dance vocabulary. Course work will include barre and center floor warm-up, floor work, and dance combinations. Students will be expected to dress-out and have dance shoes or socks.