Vocational Education Courses
District 11 Alternative Cooperative Education (ACE) programs are designed to provide job entry-level skills in various business, marketing, industrial, technical, and consumer and family studies occupations. Students who fulfill all of the program requirements will be eligible for vocational certification at graduation.
Enrollment in ACE classes is targeted for special population students. This is defined by the state of Colorado as individuals with a disability; from economically disadvantaged families; preparing for non-traditional fields; single parents including single pregnant women; out-of-workforce individuals; English learners; homeless individuals; youth who are in, or have aged out of the foster care system; and youth with a parent who is either a member of the armed forces or is on active duty.
The ACE program is for 11th and 12th graders only.
Course Length: 1 Semester each
Grade Level: 11-12
Credits per Semester:1.0 (Postsecondary Workforce Readiness)
Prerequisite: Special population students
ACE Career Development 1,2 is best taken as a year-long class that is designed to enhance employment related skills for secondary students. ACE Career Development 1 explores student vocational interests and education goals. It also teaches the necessary job skills to get a job such as phone skills, applications, resumes, cover letters, interviewing and various other units. ACE Career Development 2 covers paychecks, taxes, social security, employment goals, and various other items. It also teaches the necessary job skills to keep a job. Students are encouraged to obtain a job and provide their own transportation to and from their job.
Course Length: 1 Semester each
Grade Level: 11-12
Credits per Semester:1.0 – 2.0 depending upon hours worked (Elective)
Prerequisite: Special population students
These courses are taken concurrently with ACE Career Development 1,2 as an after-school section. Students can earn a maximum of 2 elective credits per semester for 270 documented hours of work, or 1 elective credit per semester for 135 hours of documented work. Job evaluations are done on a quarterly basis regarding the student's progress with their employer. Documented volunteer and or internship hours can be counted toward work credit.
Course Length: 1 Semester (Fall)
Grade Level: 11-12
Credits per Semester:1.0 (Postsecondary Workforce Readiness or Economics)
Prerequisite: Special population students
ACE Financial Literacy is a 1 semester class designed to enhance consumer related skills for the job and for living on your own. It is normally taken in the fall and paired with ACE Career Development 3 in the Spring. This course covers budgeting, credit, insurance, investments, buying a car, renting an apartment and various other units. Students are encouraged to have a job and provide their own transportation to and from their job.
Course Length: 1 Semester (Spring)
Grade Level: 11-12
Credits per Semester:1.0 (Postsecondary Workforce Readiness)
Prerequisite: Special population students
ACE Career Development 3 is a 1 semester class designed to enhance employment related skills for secondary students. It is normally taken in the Spring after students complete ACE Financial Literacy in the Fall. This course covers entrepreneurship, time management, ethics, teamwork, relationships at work and various other units. Students are encouraged to have a job and provide their own transportation to and from their job.
Course Length: 1 Semester each
Grade Level: 11-12
Credits per Semester:1.0 – 2.0 depending upon hours worked (Elective)
Prerequisite: Special population students
These courses are taken concurrently with ACE Financial Literacy and ACE Career Development 3 as an after-school section. Students can earn a maximum of 2 elective credits per semester for 270 documented hours of work, or 1 elective credit per semester for 135 hours of documented work. Job evaluations are done on a quarterly basis regarding the student's progress with their employer.
Documented volunteer and or internship hours can be counted toward work credit.