Library Media Center
Welcome to the Palmer Library Media Center
Palmer Library Calendar
The mission of the Palmer Media Center is to provide comprehensive, diverse, flexible opportunities for personal, professional, and academic growth for all users. With the IB Learner Profile attributes providing a framework, we ensure access to current and relevant electronic and print resources that represent all points of view. We offer coaching to students and staff to become savvy discerners of reliable information and creators of valuable information products. Read more about our mission, vision and policies.
A note about attendance...
You are welcome in the Palmer Library Media Center during unscheduled times (before and after school, lunch, and during free periods), while with an entire class supervised by a teacher, and with a pass from a teacher to complete a specific, brief task. To comply with District 11 School Board Policies (specifically policies JEA, JH, and JHB) all others will be asked to leave. Please see the excerpt from the District 11 Student Handbook below; visit the the entire student handbook for additional details.
Palmer HS Library Staff
Brenda Phillis
Library Assistant - Circulation
Erin Ullery
Library Assistant - Textbooks
Melanie Ridley
Teacher Librarian
Library Technology Educator
Shirley Vai
District Support Technician for Technology
Bob Vankirk
Teacher Librarian
Library Technology Educator
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