National Honor Society NHS
Contact: Palmer NHS Sponsor
Name: Michael Chamberlin
Phone: (719)-328-5079
Office: 301 N Nevada AVE Colorado Springs, CO 80903
President - Ana Negrete
Vice President - Valeria Menendez
Secretary - Bella Comiskey
Treasurer -- Theo Buchholz-Guerrero
Historian - Hazel Ryden
Our mission is to promote academic excellence, to encourage service to others, and to promote leadership
Next meeting: October 3, 2024
Attendance at the meetings is a requirement for membership. If you cannot attend a meeting for school-related reasons (e.g. - a soccer game, not practice), contact Mr. Chamberlin at least one day before the meeting. Failure to inform Mr. Chamberlin about your absence prior to the meeting will result in an unexcused absence for that meeting. NHS members are allowed a maximum of one unexcused absence per school year.
Officers normally meet a week prior to the general assembly meeting.
Membership Requirements
Membership in NHS has its requirements:
1) Maintain at least a 3.6 overall GPA (weighted). If your GPA falls below 3.6 you will will be placed on NHS Probation and have one semester to bring is back up to 3.6 to remain in NHS.
2) Dues. $15 paid at the Palmer Business Office. If you cannot afford the dues, see Mr. Chamberlin in room 222. Due date for dues is October 3, 2024.
3) Attend monthly meetings. One unexcused meeting will result in NHS Probation. More than one unexcused meeting will result in a Dismissal Hearing. If you need to be absent from a meeting (doctor appointment, sport game - not practice, etc.), contact Mr. Chamberlin ( prior to the meeting.
4) Service Projects - Attend and participate in all NHS activities. This includes activities at meeting and special NHS events (e.g., NHS-sponsored Movie Night). Participate in at least one independent service project each quarter. Project options are listed below in the Independent Service Projects sections. Record your participation here (coming at the October meeting).
You will need to take a selfie while participating in your service projects - used to keep track of your service requirements, but also used for the annual scrapbook.
GPA, meeting attendance, dues, and community service will be tracked and monitored.
Bylaws are the governing rules and regulations of the Palmer NHS Chapter and its members. Bylaws were updated and approved by the Faculity Council in December, 2018.
Service Projects (Individual)
1) Movie Night Planning Committee. 4-5 are people needed to organize and plan a NHS-sponsored movie night, either as drive-in or in the courtyard. The committee will likely need to meet almost daily starting next week so the movie night is no later than mid-October. This project will take some time and effort to work out all of the logistics and collaborating will several adult employees in the school. If you are interested, please email Mr. Chamberlin ( ASAP.
2) Bake Sale. This is another NHS fundraiser that needs 4-5 people organize and plan. This is a project that is not urgent, but should be done before the end of the semester. If you are interested, please email Mr. Chamberlin (
3) Adopt a Family for Thanksgiving/Christmas. This is another 4-5 person organizing and planning committee project. If you are interested, please email Mr. Chamberlin (
4) Salvation Army Volunteering. If you are interested, please email Ana (
5) Palmer Hall of Fame Historical PowerPoint Creation. NHS members will likely conduct the Hall of Fame research during a monthly meeting in November or December. This committee of 4-5 people will take that research and create a PowerPoint for the Palmer Hall of Fame members that will be looped over projection screens in the hallways. For more information, please contact Mrs. Fletcher ( To sign up to make the PowerPoint (this may happen second semester), please email Mr. Chamberlin (
6) Signage Committee. My Wybrant ( is planning to make metal signs to hang in the courtyard and around the school highlighting students at Palmer. But which students, and what information should go on those signs. We need a committee of 5-6 people to work with Mr. Wybrant and help make that decision. If you are interested, please email Mr. Chamberlin (
7) High Trails Counselors. October 22-25 or 23-25 or 24-25. If you like working with kids, like the outdoors, and want a leadership opportunity, please become a High Trails Counselor ( We need 10-15 high school counselors. There's an information meeting during lunch on September 13 in the Lecture Hall. Otherwise, see or contact Mr. Chamberlin (room 222,
8) PTA Meeting Babysitting at Stratton Elementary School. There's a variety of dates and times. If interested, please contact Anna Rau ( for more information and to arrange your volunteering services.