Palmer SWAT Club
Palmer High School is a 100% tobacco-free campus. Students Working Against Tobacco is a club that works together to encourage their peers, teachers, families, and community to live a tobacco-free life. Because being tobacco-free is a great way to be!
Did you know…
- Tobacco is the #1 cause of preventable death in the United States
- Almost 90% of adult smokers start smoking by 18 years of age
- Secondhand smoke kills more than 41,000 nonsmoking adults every year
- Pets are more than twice as likely to get cancer if their owner smokes
- Cigarettes are the most littered item globally
- The tobacco industry spends $26 million per day marketing their products
Resources to quit:
Colorado Quitline
This is Quitting app for iPhone or Android
Upcoming events:
Kick Butts Day- Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Interested in joining? Contact Jaiden Jones, Club President, or Coach Berry, Club Advisor